Moon Medicine Retreat
4 days, 20 hours of sessions to:
- Learn to listen to (the rhythm of) your body
- Embody the archetypes linked to our mooncycle (Virgin, Lover, mother, wild woman & Crone) and reintegrate oppressed aspects of ourselves
- Experience a Menarch Ceremony into womanhood
- Let go of shame & enjoy your sensual, female body
- Break through millennia of conditioning and oppression, to fully express yourself!
- Grief, embrace death & (in case one of the participants stopped bleeding) create & experience a Menopauze Ceremony
- Heal ancient & transgenerational wounds
- Retrace the footsteps of ancient priestesses
- Remember who you are and the medicine you carry
Archetypal Embodiment * Authentic Movement * Burlesque * Art Therapy * Grief Ceremony based on the 5 gates of Francis Weller * Theatre of the Oppressed * Dance with the elements around & within * Celebration!
A Woman's Journey |Archetypal Embodiment of your Inner Cycle
Wild Woman Awakening Series

Spring Summer Autumn Winter.
Every month, as a woman, we experience a whole life course. Virgo, lover, mother, wild woman and wise woman.
They all live in you. And bring you their medicine one by one.
Through our body and voice we go on a journey, within a safe circle of women. Together we embody the cyclical woman and draw strength or bring healing from every archetype.
A collaboration with Eva Van Leuven (voicework | yoga | tantra)
Wild Woman Awakening Series

âž³ 5 sessions, 5 elements, 5 archetypes, 1 transformative dance journey into womanhood
Do you feel caged by the expectations of society, work & family? Do you live too much in your head?
Would you like to learn to listen to the rhythm of your female body? Are you ready to discover & fully express yourself?
Kula Dance takes you on an archetypal dance journey through the 5 elements. Through the embodiment of various female archetypes such as the Wild Woman and the Goddess, we reintegrate oppressed aspects of ourselves.
We connect with the elements & cycles of nature and our own body, in a circle of women, to develop love for our female body.
Each session includes: sharing circles – dancing – a creative way of processing the session (painting, claying,…)
Re-Wilding Women Weekends

Connect with your senses, body, heart and soul, with each other, the feminine & nature - through dance, holistic self-care, women circles and cacao ceremonies!
A collaboration between Annelore Ledoux (author of 'Re-Wilding') & Kula Dance.
'I Love My Body' Retreat
âž³ Awaken your body. Feel your body. Nourish your body. Love your body!
* yoga * meditation * 5Elements Dance * archetypal bodywork * woman circles * tantric jade egg practices * connecting with the elements around & within * rituals * creative expression * wild woman awakening * delicious healthy meals *
You will come out of this retreat as a newborn, shining bright with renewed energy & a positive body image, ready to live your full potential!
‘I love my body’ Retreat was a collaboration between Kula Dance & Prana Yoga Zürich. Co-teacher Patricia Wittwer is a Shamanic Tantric Priestess (ISTA – Mantak Chia) and Dipl. Yoga teacher. This retreat was offered in Ibiza in Mai 2018.