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Moon Medicine Retreat



4 days, 20 hours of sessions to:


- Learn to listen to (the rhythm of) your body
- Embody the archetypes linked to our mooncycle (Virgin, Lover, mother, wild woman & Crone) and reintegrate oppressed aspects of ourselves
- Experience a Menarch Ceremony into womanhood
- Let go of shame & enjoy your sensual, female body
- Break through millennia of conditioning and oppression, to fully express yourself!

- Grief, embrace death & experience a Menopauze Ceremony
- Heal ancient & transgenerational wounds
- Retrace the footsteps of ancient priestesses
- Remember who you are and the medicine you carry


Archetypal Embodiment * Authentic Movement * Burlesque * Art Therapy * Grief Ceremony based on the 5 gates of Francis Weller * Theatre of the Oppressed * Dance with the elements around & within * Celebration!




“Ha sido una experiencia maravillosa donde he podido profundizar y conectar con mi energía femenina. Ha sido un espacio donde hemos podido compartir nuestras dudas, inquietudes, miedos y sostenerlos con mucho cuidado, respeto y amor. Para mí personalmente ha sido una gran experiencia que me ha aportado mucho más conocimiento sobre mi ciclo como mujer. He podido expresarme, mostrar mi vulnerabilidad, sanar y liberarme como mujer. Gracias por crear espacios tan hermosos."


Re-Wilding Women Weekends

Re-Wilding Women Weekend - Winter Editio

Connect with your senses, body, heart and soul, with each other, the feminine & nature - through dance, holistic self-care, women circles and cacao ceremonies!


A collaboration between Annelore Ledoux (author of 'Re-Wilding') & Kula Dance.

'I Love My Body' Retreat

âž³ Awaken your body. Feel your body. Nourish your body. Love your body!


* yoga * meditation * 5Elements Dance * archetypal bodywork * woman circles * tantric jade egg practices * connecting with the elements around & within * rituals * creative expression * wild woman awakening * delicious healthy meals * 


You will come out of this retreat as a newborn, shining bright with renewed energy & a positive body image, ready to live your full potential!


‘I love my body’ Retreat was a collaboration between Kula Dance & Prana Yoga Zürich. Co-teacher Patricia Wittwer is a Shamanic Tantric Priestess (ISTA – Mantak Chia) and  Dipl. Yoga teacher. This retreat was offered in Ibiza in Mai 2018.


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