Book a Workshop
Book a Workshop
Searching for a workshop that brings a deep encounter between the participants and more body awareness, grounding and self-confidence for each individual? A way to destress, release, relax, celebrate & connect with each other?
Kula Dance brings workshops and retreats to a wide range of places and ages, adapted to the audience:
- Schools
- Companies
- Youth Organisations
- Community Art Organisations
- Eco & Conscious Communities
- Celebrations
- Festivals
- ...
Possible themes or sessions:
- Stress regulation
- Grounding & centering
- Consensual touch (Wheel of Consent)
- Nature connection
- Grief Ceremony
- Connection with the subconscious
through Authentic Movement or Embodied Dreamwork
- 5Elements Dance (optional with DJ or live band)
For women:
- Wild Woman Awakening
- Embodiment of the menstruation cycle
- Menarch Ceremony
- Menopauze Ceremony
Book a Performance
- 'Inanna's Rising', a Ritual Theatre of Mystery Pact
- Opening Ceremony for your festival or gathering
with the Priestesses of the elements
Kula Dance offered workshops at / for :
InanItah Community '23
Burning Man '22
Nowhere '19 & '22
Suntribe '18 & '19 (Belgium)
Vrouwenfest '19 (Belgium)
Psy-Fi '18 & '19 (Netherlands)
Into The Wild '19 (UK)
Woman Fest '19 (UK)
Meadows in the Mountains '18 & '19 (Bulgaria)
Wild Woman Fest '19 (Netherlands)
Rubha Phoil Community '19
Global Awareness Festival '18 (Belgium)
Odyssey '18 (Belgium)
Ecstatic Trance '18 (Belgium)
Resonance '17 (New Zealand)